Bespoke Software Development

UK-based Award-winning MVP Software Development Company

We are a UK-based award-winning MVP software development company. We help SMEs and startups to create world-class products. Our services include product strategy, design, development, and QA.

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How we develop MVP software

software product development services team

1. Business analysis

Business analysis is the process of examining an organization or business domain to identify its goals, objectives, and needs in order to recommend solutions that can improve its processes and operations. It involves understanding the organisation's structure and culture, assessing its processes and activities, assessing the data that drives the organization, and understanding the external environment in which the organization operates. By using business analysis during the MVP development process, organisations are able to understand the needs of their target users, build an effective product roadmap, and develop an efficient MVP that meets the needs of their users. Additionally, business analysis can be used to identify potential risks and solutions to address them, as well as assess the effectiveness of the current system and identify areas for improvement.

2. Design - Tangible screens and wireframes

We follow user-centred design methodology to create a bespoke software solution that meets the client's needs. This involves planning and creating an artistic user interface with core features and functionalities. This helps to visualise the design and navigation of the product through mockups and prototypes. Creating an aesthetically pleasing design that is aligned with the product image and guarantees the best user experience. This also helps develop and define the system and information architecture required to ensure simple user navigation. We also use wireframing for complex modules to see what works and what does not in terms of usability and functionality.

latest technologies for software product development
product development on time and budget

3. Development - Convert design into a functional MVP

The development of MVP involves converting the MVP design into a functional software product. Depending upon the complicity and technology stack, we allocate the development to an experienced team with the right skill set. This team is managed by an experienced product manager to ensure continuity between all stages of the development process.

Development is undertaken using agile development methodology to ensure any modifications required are implemented quickly. During the development stage, users are invited to test the MVP frequently to ensure the developed version closely resembles the original vision and end user's expectations.

4. Delivery - Rollout to users

It is important to support any software product to ensure it performs as smoothly as possible. This involves monitoring the various hardware and software components on which the MVP software runs. To maximise efficiency, we make full use of off-the-shelf infrastructure, web and mobile app monitoring tools such as Google Analytics, Azure Application Insights, etc., that provide an in dept view of each component of the MVP software and helps to identify issues before users are impacted by the same.

streamlined development process
software development domain expertise

5. Support

Our software product development services can help ensure a high-quality product by providing end-to-end product engineering services such as design, development, testing and deployment tailored specifically for your domain. This ensures that the product is built according to industry standards and meets the customer's expectations. Software products developed using these services are more likely to be successful since they are built with an understanding of current market trends and customer needs. Additionally, our software developers have extensive experience in designing products and can provide valuable advice on how to optimise your product for maximum success for your domain.

Our engagement models for MVP development

The dedicated MVP development team

Our MVP development team is composed of professionals with expertise in all essential technologies, enabling them to quickly convey the idea in a market-favourable manner. Moreover, they are experienced in UX, UI, and ongoing support and maintenance and stay in touch with businesses to provide fixes or updates as necessary. Having access to real-time product statistics, they can find out what users are lacking and use this information to set objectives for the next product versions. With the help of the dedicated MVP development team, businesses can easily tweak their MVPs to make the most impact and pave the way for a successful release of the full product.

Fixed price MVP development

Under this engagement model, we will quote you a fixed price to develop MVP software against a clearly defined requirements specification. This engagement model is favourable when along with MVP, the requirements, the business has a clear idea of what they want to achieve. As long as the MVP requirements do not involve using or experimenting with new technologies, a fixed price MVP development can benefit you. Contact us today for a free quote.

Time and material based MVP development

This model is suitable when the requirements for MVP software development are loosely defined. Under this approach, depending on the scope and complexity of your vision, you can engage a range of specialists from our team consisting of UI/UX developers, iOS/Android developers, Web app developers, QA engineers and project managers as and when required during the MVP development stage. This allows you to remain agile with your requirements and experiment with features, functions and the latest technologies.

Factors that impact the selection of tech stack for an MVP

 MVP project scope & flexibility

It is essential for businesses to have a well-defined scope and goal for their MVP project, as a lack of clarity can make the development process ineffective. Having a clear roadmap will facilitate the selection process and ensure that the objectives for creating the MVP are met. Additionally, it enables developers to include appropriate features and use the correct technology for the MVP. Having a clear plan in place makes it easier to focus on all important aspects of the project.

 Talent pool and community support

It is essential to consider various factors when selecting the technology stack for the MVP. This includes both technical and non-technical aspects. The rapid changes in framework trends can create challenges and it's important to have a talent pool and community support to overcome it.

When choosing the technology, it's important to make sure that it has a wide talent pool and community support. For example, it's easier to hire software developers who are proficient in Java or Python than in Scala and Go, because they have greater community support. This means that the development process of the MVP will be smoother and the technology is well-documented, making it easier for developers to find solutions.

 Maintenance and scalability

When choosing the technology stack for MVP, it's important to consider how well it can handle an increase in user traffic and ensure scalability for future growth. Choosing a tech stack that can scale with the app will prevent potential product collapses and increase its longevity in the market.

Businesses should be aware that different tech stacks have varying scalability potentials. For instance, the MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js) has excellent scalability. Maintenance is another crucial factor to consider when selecting the right tech stack for MVP. Choosing an open-source technology will make it easier to maintain the MVP in the long-term as solutions are more readily available. Businesses should avoid using niche technology for MVP development as it can be costly and make the system more complicated to monitor and maintain.

 Time constraints

In today's fast-paced tech industry, it's crucial to get your product to market as quickly as possible, before your competitors do. Therefore, when choosing the technology stack for MVP, it's important to consider frameworks and technologies that are fast, efficient, and maintain a high level of quality.

For mobile app development, cross-platform technologies such as React Native and Flutter can be good options for MVP. These frameworks are cost-effective and provide the same appearance and functionality as native apps. Additionally, cross-platform app development is fast as developers can use the same code for both iOS and Android.

 Cost of MVP development service

Cost is a vital consideration when determining the appropriate technology stack for MVP. Businesses should be aware that different frameworks and technologies have varying costs. When making your selection, it's important to keep your overall budget in mind, as developer salaries are often the largest expense. The cost of the developer will depend on their expertise in the language.

To choose the right tech stack for MVP, it's best to select a mature language that is likely to remain popular. Additionally, if the framework is open-source, developers will be able to adapt to the technology more easily and this will decrease the cost of the MVP development.

 Complexity of the MVP

The type of web or mobile app is a crucial consideration when selecting the technology for MVP. For web apps, the technology stack depends on the type of content and data that needs to be managed. In contrast, for mobile apps, the size and complexity of the app also become significant factors. For instance, a complex mobile application would require access to features such as GPS or the phone camera.

It's important to have a clear understanding of the level of complexity you want to include in your MVP, and whether you are building it for web or mobile. This will help in making the right technology choices for the MVP development.

 MVP ecosystem

When choosing the technology stack for your MVP, it's important to consider whether the technology has a rich ecosystem of tools. Having access to a variety of tools will enable developers to build features and improve the user experience of the MVP. A rich ecosystem also allows for the inclusion of all necessary elements in the MVP, which can save time and improve the functionality of the MVP.

 MVP security

Security is a crucial aspect when developing an MVP, especially if it involves data collection. When designing the app architecture, it's important to prioritize security. Using robust frameworks and secured databases with defined user roles can help ensure that the MVP has high levels of security. If data security is a major consideration when choosing the technology stack for MVP, it's important to:

  • - Use technologies that follow the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) guidelines
  • - Use stable technologies such as PHP, Go, or Java.

These steps can help you select a technology stack that can provide a secure MVP development.

Need to validate your idea and attract funding quickly?

Developing a minimum viable product (MVP) using software can be an effective and low-risk way to validate an idea quickly and attract funding. By creating a clickable, interactive, and functional prototype, entrepreneurs can demonstrate their product's vision and potential to investors and increase their chances of obtaining investment. Additionally, there are various grants available for those looking to build an MVP, so entrepreneurs can reduce the cost of development and not have to fund the entire project themselves. Furthermore, a prototype can be used to test the design of the product without needing to build a fully functional version. This way, entrepreneurs can get feedback on the product before committing a large amount of resources to building the final version. By using MVP software development, entrepreneurs can quickly verify their idea, test the market potential of their product, and reduce their chances of failure.

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Advantages of MVP software development

The dedicated MVP development team

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) software development is a popular approach for businesses that want to launch their products quickly and efficiently. MVP development focuses on creating a basic version of a product that has the core features and functionalities, and then gradually adding more features based on customer feedback and market demand.

There are several advantages of MVP software development, some of which are discussed below:

  • 1) Faster time to market: MVP development allows businesses to get their product to market faster than traditional development methods. This is because the MVP approach focuses on developing only the essential features of the product, which reduces the development time.
  • 2) Cost-effective: MVP development is a cost-effective approach as it only focuses on developing the core features of the product. This means that businesses do not have to invest in developing unnecessary features, which can save them a lot of money.
  • 3) Better customer feedback: MVP development allows businesses to get feedback from customers early on in the development process. This feedback can then be used to improve the product and make it more appealing to customers.
  • 4) Reduced risk: MVP development reduces the risk of developing a product that does not meet the needs of customers. This is because businesses can test the product with a small group of customers before launching it to the general public.
  • 5) Scalability: MVP development allows businesses to scale their product based on customer demand. This means that businesses can add more features and functionalities to the product as it grows.
  • 6) Better market fit: MVP development allows businesses to test the market fit of their product before investing in a full-scale launch. This can help ensure that the product is viable and that there is a market for it.

In conclusion, MVP software development is a popular approach for businesses that want to launch their products quickly and efficiently. It offers several advantages, such as faster time to market, cost-effectiveness, better customer feedback, reduced risk, scalability, and better market fit. By following this approach, businesses can ensure that their product is viable and that there is a market for it before investing a lot of money in a full-scale launch.

MVP Software Development FAQs

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) software development is a method of creating a basic version of a product that has the core features and functionalities, and then gradually adding more features based on customer feedback and market demand.

MVP software development offers several advantages such as faster time to market, cost-effectiveness, better customer feedback, reduced risk, scalability, and better market fit.

A prototype is a rough representation of a product, usually created to test a concept or to demonstrate a product's functionality. MVP is a more refined version of a prototype, with a focus on the core features and functionalities that are essential for the product to be viable.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) focuses on delivering the minimum set of features that allows early adopters to test the product and provide feedback. Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) is the minimum set of features that will make the early adopters fall in love with your product.

Your MVP is ready for launch if it has the core features and functionalities that are essential for the product to be viable, and it has been tested and validated with a small group of customers.

The time it takes to develop an MVP varies depending on the complexity of the product and the size of the development team. On average, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

The cost of developing an MVP varies depending on the complexity of the product, the size of the development team, and the technologies used. On average, it can cost anywhere from a few thousand pounds to tens of thousands of pounds.

There are several methodologies and technologies that are popularly used in MVP development. Some of the most commonly used methodologies include:

Agile development: Agile development is a popular methodology for MVP development as it allows for flexibility and rapid iteration. Agile development allows teams to work in small sprints and make adjustments to the product based on customer feedback.

Lean startup: The Lean Startup methodology is designed to help startups validate their business ideas and build a minimum viable product (MVP) as quickly as possible. It emphasizes on testing and validating the product with early adopters, gathering feedback, and iterating based on the feedback.

Scrum: Scrum is an Agile framework that is often used in MVP development. It emphasizes on iterative and incremental delivery of the product, allowing teams to adjust the product based on customer feedback.

The most popular technologies used in MVP development include:

Ruby on Rails: Ruby on Rails is a popular technology for MVP development due to its ease of use and ability to build web applications quickly.

Python: Python is a popular choice for MVP development because of its vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks such as Django and Flask.

Node.js: Node.js is a popular technology for MVP development due to its ability to handle high traffic and its ability to handle real-time applications.

React: React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to build responsive and dynamic web and mobile apps.

Firebase: Firebase is a popular technology used in MVP development due to its ability to handle real-time data and its ability to handle user authentication and authorization.

Laravel: Laravel is a popular PHP framework that is used for MVP development due to its ability to handle complex web application development and its ability to handle user authentication and authorization.

Angular: Angular is a popular JavaScript framework that is used for MVP development due to its ability to handle complex web application development and its ability to handle user authentication and authorization.

Vue.js: Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that is used for MVP development due to its ability to handle complex web application development and its ability to handle user authentication and authorization.

React Native: React Native is a popular technology used in MVP development due to its ability to handle complex mobile application development and its ability to handle user authentication and authorization.

Xamarin: Xamarin is a popular technology used in MVP development due to its ability to handle complex mobile application development and its ability to handle user authentication and authorization.

Some best practices for MVP development include validating the product with early adopters, focusing on the core features and functionalities, and using agile development methodologies.

There are several ways to get feedback on your MVP, including user testing, surveys, interviews, and A/B testing. You can also use analytics tools to track user behavior and gather feedback from customers.

Yes, it is possible to develop an MVP using no-code technologies. No-code platforms, such as, webflow, and Adalo, allow users to create and develop web and mobile apps without the need for coding knowledge. These platforms provide a user-friendly interface, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-built templates and components to help users create their MVP easily and quickly.

However, it is worth noting that while no-code platforms offer a fast and efficient way to develop an MVP, they may have limitations in terms of customization and scalability compared to traditional development methods. Also, it's better to consult with a developer to understand the limitations and capabilities of no-code platforms before deciding to use it for MVP development.

There are several industry expertise that are required for MVP software development, depending on the type and complexity of the product. Some of the most important industry expertise that are needed for MVP software development include:

Product Management: Product managers are responsible for defining the product vision and strategy, and for ensuring that the MVP aligns with the overall product roadmap.

User Experience (UX) Design: UX designers are responsible for creating user-centred designs that meet the needs of the target audience. They ensure that the MVP is easy to use, intuitive, and provides a positive user experience.

Front-end Development: Front-end developers are responsible for creating the user interface of the MVP and ensuring that it looks and functions as intended. They use technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the visual design of the MVP.

Back-end Development: Back-end developers are responsible for creating the server-side functionality of the MVP. They use technologies such as Ruby on Rails, Python, Node.js, and Laravel to create the MVP's back-end system.

Database Management: Database managers are responsible for creating and managing the MVP's database. They use technologies such as SQL, MongoDB, and Firebase to store and retrieve data from the MVP's database.

Quality Assurance (QA): QA engineers are responsible for testing the MVP to ensure that it meets the requirements and is free of bugs and errors.

Outsourcing MVP software development can have both advantages and disadvantages, and it depends on the specific needs of your business. Some of the advantages of outsourcing MVP software development include:

Cost-effectiveness: Outsourcing MVP software development can be cost-effective as it allows businesses to access a global pool of talent at a lower cost than hiring in-house developers.

Time-saving: Outsourcing MVP software development can save businesses time as they do not have to spend time recruiting and training developers.

Access to expertise: Outsourcing MVP software development can give businesses access to a wide range of expertise and specialised skills that they may not have in-house.

Flexibility: Outsourcing MVP software development can give businesses the flexibility to scale their development team up or down as needed.

However, there are also some disadvantages of outsourcing MVP software development, such as:

Communication: Outsourcing MVP software development can lead to communication difficulties, particularly if the development team is located in a different time zone or country.

Quality control: Outsourcing MVP software development can make it difficult to ensure that the quality of the product meets the business's standards.

Control: Outsourcing MVP software development can make it difficult for the business to maintain control over the development process.

It's recommended to consider the business's specific needs and constraints, before deciding to outsource MVP software development. It's also important to have a clear and detailed agreement

Choosing the right MVP software development company is crucial for the success of your MVP project. Here are some factors to consider when choosing an MVP software development company:

Experience: Look for a company that has experience in developing MVPs for your industry or a similar one. This will ensure that they have the necessary expertise and knowledge to develop an MVP that meets your specific needs.

Portfolio: Review the company's portfolio to see the types of MVPs they have developed and the quality of their work.

Development process: Understand the company's development process and ensure that it aligns with your own. Look for a company that uses agile development methodologies, as this will allow for more flexibility and rapid iteration.

Communication: Look for a company that has a clear and effective communication process. This will ensure that you are kept informed and updated on the development process and that any issues can be addressed quickly.

Cost: Consider the company's cost and ensure that it fits within your budget. Look for a company that offers a transparent pricing structure and that is willing to work within your budget.

Testimonials and references: Look for a company that has a good reputation in the industry and that can provide references or testimonials from previous clients.

Location: Consider the location of the company, whether it's near you or not. Having a company that's near you can make communication and collaboration easier.

Technical Skills and Tools: Look for a company that has the necessary technical skills and tools to develop your MVP.

Ultimately, it's important to take the time to research and carefully evaluate different MVP software development companies before making a final decision.

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  • 2. Our team will access the scope and come up with options on technology, design & architecture.

  • 3. We present this back to you along with estimates on costs & timescales.