Bespoke Software Development

MEAN Programming? By Schnell – The Software Development Experts

Introduction to Mean Stack Programming and Development. A Comprehensive Guide MEAN programming is undertaken using Read More

MEAN Stack Programming
MEAN Stack Programming

MEAN Programming? By Schnell – The Software Development Experts

Introduction to Mean Stack Programming and Development. A Comprehensive Guide

MEAN programming is undertaken using the MEAN stack, a combination of 4 specific technologies. It is one of the most popular software programming technology stacks for building web application development today. It offers many advantages for developers, including a standardized set of tools, flexibility, and interoperability. You will find millions of developers with MEAN stack programming skills who can develop Bespoke computer software development for your business.  

What is the MEAN Stack?

The MEAN stack is a technology concept for building web applications. It is made up of four technologies: MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js. These technologies are standardized so that developers can build interoperable and flexible applications with them.  

MEAN Stack Architecture & Components for Software Programming

The components of Mean Stack Architecture are Angular JS, NodeJS, Express JS and MongoDB. The client makes a request that the Angular JS processes. MongoDB is the database which stores data for MongoDB Express JS. NodeJS returns requests to the client, with AngularJS displaying the result fetched from MongoDB. MEAN is designed to make it easy to build web applications in JavaScript and handle JSON responses. A MEAN stack developer should be able to work on the front-end and back-end processes. A MEAN stack developer should have experience with HTML, CSS, programming templates, continuous integration and cloud technologies. The MEAN stack developer must know DB architecture as well as SDLCs and Agile development methodologies in order to build strong systems that support business objectives.

Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is an open-source, cross-platform database written in C++. It stores data in the key-value pair format, using a binary type like JSON. MongoDB was first released in 2009 and became popular due to its scalability and ease of use. MongoDB has a document-oriented storage system, which makes it easier to work with big data sets.

Introduction to Express.js

Express is an open source server framework that can be used to build web applications with Node.js. It’s a lightweight and flexible option that can be scaled up or down as needed. It uses the Pug engine to provide support for templates, which helps keep code size down. Express also has a large community of users and contributors who are always willing to help out.

Introduction to Angular.js

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework which helps to create single-page applications. It was created in 2009 by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons. It lets you extend HTML with your own components, adding functionality and behaviour to existing elements or creating new ones.  AngularJS is also open source, free to use and has a large community of developers who support it.

Introduction to Node.JS

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for building server applications using JavaScript and running on the Google Chrome browser or any operating system that supports V8, which includes Linux, OS X and Windows.

Is the MEAN Stack secure?

The MEAN stack is a secure platform that can be used in any type of organization. The three-tier separation in the MEAN stack prevents users from seeing business logic and your database layer, which helps to keep your data safe. Additionally, the best practices for using the architecture will prevent end-users from accessing your data. The MEAN stack is built on easy to use JavaScript technologies, making it a natural database developmentfor JSON structures such as MongoDB. Because of this, the MEAN stack was designed to prevent malicious user interaction from putting your application at risk. Depending on the level of security you need, the MEAN stack could be a good solution for you. MEAN is a user-friendly stack that offers quick and organized methods for creating prototypes for web apps. It also has no licensing fees or other restrictions on use, meaning it can be used in any organization of any size without restriction because of the lack of limitations attached to its use.

Looking to develop software using MEAN stack?

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Frequently Asked Questions about MEAN programming?

1) Can I develop a web application using MEAN stack?

Yes, you can develop a web application using the MEAN stack. The MEAN stack is designed to help you become more employable as a developer. It’s an affordable option for developers, and you won’t have to work in silos anymore because the MEAN stack allows for easy integration of other technologies like Backbone. Additionally, the MEAN stack is a cheaper and faster option than developing projects individually from scratch. Faster release cycle times and better application performance are two of the many benefits of the MEAN stack.

2) Can I develop software faster using the MEAN stack?

MEAN is a great stack for developing software quickly. You can create web applications using JavaScript on both the front-end and back-end using the MEAN stack. This makes development faster and easier because you don’t have to learn multiple languages. Additionally, many libraries and modules are available for MEAN that make development even faster. However, keep in mind that not everything will run as fast on the MEAN stack as it would on other frameworks.

3) Is it expensive to hire a MEAN stack programmer?

No, the average salary for a mean stack developer is $90,000. A MEAN Stack Developer focuses on MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS. Mean stack developers work on the backend and front end of an application. JavaScript is used as the main programming language in a Mean stack developer’s toolbox.

4) How quickly can I learn MEAN stack programming?

MEAN Stack is a free and open-source stack that can build rapid prototypes for web applications. It comprises MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. MEAN stack developers should focus on MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Node development. A general full stack developer might need other or more skill sets in order to complete a project involving MEAN. However, it is possible to learn MEAN stack programming in a relatively short time frame with the right resources.

5) What is the difference between coding and programming?

Coding is the process of creating instructions that computers then interpret and follow. Programming refers to coding, with a slight difference in definition. By definition, a programmer needs to specialize in one field. For example, some of the main uses for code are web application development, mobile app development and database administration.