Bespoke Software Development

Why Do Companies Outsource Software Development? 9 Reasons to Outsourcing Software Development

1. Ability to Focus on Core Competencies Outsourcing software development helps companies to focus on Read More

reasons companies outsource software development
reasons companies outsource software development

Why Do Companies Outsource Software Development? 9 Reasons to Outsourcing Software Development

1. Ability to Focus on Core Competencies

Outsourcing software development helps companies to focus on their core competencies by freeing up resources and allowing them to focus on strategic goals in alignment with the business. By not having to worry about the technicalities of coding and development, companies are able to reconfigure their goals and increase their productivity. Additionally, this enables the in-house staff to dedicate their energies to more important tasks, such as marketing, sales, customer management, networking, and maintenance. By outsourcing software development, companies are able to concentrate on their core business objectives and shift their focus to activities that they can do effectively to contribute to overall business growth.

2. Availability of Highly Skilled Resources

The availability of highly skilled resources is one of the reasons to outsource software development since it provides businesses with direct access to the talent they are looking for. Software outsourcing provides businesses with access to skilled workforce from all over the world, thus expanding their technical capabilities and horizon. Moreover, outsourcing makes it easier for businesses to access the most talented and tech-savvy workforce without needing to go through the process of recruiting and training them. This can result in cost savings since businesses don’t need to pay for the salaries and benefits of in-house software developers, which can be expensive. Therefore, businesses that lack the resources or budget to hire in-house software developers can benefit from outsourcing to gain access to highly skilled resources.

3. Reduced Costs

Outsourcing software development can significantly reduce costs for businesses by minimizing operational costs, investing in specialised technology and tools, and taking advantage of the wage differences between developed and developing countries. By outsourcing software development, companies can save up to 30 per cent on operational costs due to not having to carry out training for recruits, pay for specialized technology and infrastructure, or spend on employee salary and benefits. Outsourcing also allows businesses to focus on their core business and get better results. Furthermore, companies can save up to 60 per cent on overheads by working with external workers instead of in-house staff, as well as reduce hiring costs due to the ease of online recruitment. WhatsApp is an example of a successful business that has embraced outsourcing for software development, as it has more than 1.5 billion active users worldwide.

4. Increased Speed and Efficiency of Delivery

Outsourcing software development is an effective way to increase the speed and efficiency of delivery. It helps reduce fixed costs and speed up the development process, making it easier to launch a product quickly. Furthermore, outsourcing allows companies to hire skilled developers in a timely manner, giving them the resources they need to complete the project in the desired timeline. Additionally, with software outsourcing, organizations can easily scale up or down their teams to meet peak demand without committing to long-term contracts or hiring new employees, thus saving time and money. Lastly, outsourcing results in enhanced accuracy in terms of project timeline and results, allowing companies to understand better the project budget and timeline and minimising the risks of unanticipated expenses and delays.

5. Ability to Meet Changing Business Needs

Outsourcing software development allows companies to meet changing business needs in a timely and cost-effective manner. By outsourcing software projects, companies can access a dedicated team of developers with specialized skills and the latest technologies. This helps companies reduce costs, avoid delays, and scale their development team according to their project’s size. The ability to tailor the size and skill set of the development team based on the project requirements gives companies the flexibility to work on projects of different sizes and ensure that the products reach the market before the competition. Outsourcing also eliminates the need for a business to hire and fire employees for each project, thus saving time and resources.

6. Access to Cutting-Edge Technologies

Software outsourcing companies offer a variety of cutting edge tools and technologies for web, mobile and cloud development, including the latest frameworks, languages and tools. These technologies include Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) development, project management tools, cloud infrastructure and other specialized software platforms. In addition to these, they have access to the best specialists, enabling them to create innovative solutions that are often not available within the company or country due to budget constraints. Outsourcing also allows businesses to benefit from the latest technologies without having to invest in costly training or dedicated employees, making it a cost-effective and efficient way to build and maintain competitive advantages.

7. Increased Quality of Products

Outsourcing software development to experts helps increase the quality of products, as they have the skills and experience to build reliable applications that meet the desired performance and feature requirements. This can be achieved through the use of high-quality project management systems, established workflows, and expertise in delivering quality applications with a positive ROI. By relying on third-party specialists, companies can take advantage of their knowledge and experience to ensure that the product meets their desired specifications and performance standards. Additionally, by outsourcing development teams, businesses can also benefit from reduced risks and costs, as they will not have to hire full-time employees or bear any additional expenses in the event of product failure.

8. Greater Innovation and Creativity

Outsourcing software development can help to increase innovation and creativity by allowing businesses to access the world’s best specialists, connecting them with outside-the-box thinkers and access to cutting-edge technology. This can help a business to free up resources and increase their focus on strategic goals, drive innovation and produce a better product. Outsourcing can also help to streamline the business process, allowing for more time to concentrate on other core processes. Additionally, the use of video chat, project management tools and prototyping helps to keep everyone connected during the development process and ensure that any potential issues or breakthroughs are discussed quickly and efficiently.

9. Increased Security and Safety

Outsourcing software development can significantly increase security and safety of a company’s IT infrastructure, as the software team is experienced and knowledgeable in the current industry practices in terms of IT security and privacy. They can identify potential security flaws and take steps to prevent attacks by implementing the most up-to-date security protocols, such as conducting regular cybersecurity audits. Additionally, the third-party team can work on a project-by-project basis, which can be beneficial in terms of cost-saving and time management. This ensures that the code and processes developed are highly secure and as safe as possible against potential breaches.

Outsource Software Development FAQs

What is software development outsourcing?

Software development outsourcing is the process of hiring a third-party software development company to handle all or part of the software development process for your business. This can include anything from developing a new application to maintaining and updating existing software. It allows companies to tap into a larger and more talented pool of software developers outside their organisation, providing them with access to highly-skilled professionals with experience in the industry and giving them greater flexibility, cost savings, and scalability. With software development outsourcing, companies can free up their resources, enabling them to focus on their core business tasks such as branding, marketing, finance, operations, customer relationship management, and networking.

Is IT better to outsource software development?

Whether or not outsourcing software development is better depends on the specific needs and goals of a company. Outsourcing can offer many benefits, such as cost savings, access to a wider pool of specialized talent, and the ability to scale development resources as needed. However, it also comes with some risks, such as communication and collaboration challenges, intellectual property concerns, and difficulty in maintaining control over the development process. Additionally, it is important to consider the quality of the outsourcing partner, the project requirements, and the company’s own resources. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision and it’s a good idea to have a plan and clear guidelines in place before starting any outsourcing project.

What are the benefits of outsourcing software development?

Cost savings: Outsourcing can be a cost-effective way to access a wide range of specialized talent and resources without the need to invest in expensive in-house teams. Access to specialized skills and expertise: Outsourcing allows companies to tap into a global pool of skilled developers and other professionals, which can be particularly beneficial for niche or specialized projects. Increased efficiency and scalability: Outsourcing allows companies to scale development resources as needed, which can help improve project timelines and increase efficiency. Focus on core business activities: Outsourcing non-core activities, such as software development, can free up internal resources, allowing companies to focus on their core business activities. Improved time-to-market: Outsourcing software development can help accelerate the development process, getting products and services to market faster. Flexibility: Outsourcing provides flexibility in terms of the skills and resources that can be accessed as well as in terms of the working hours of the team, which makes it easier to handle time zone differences. Reduced Risk: Outsourcing can help to mitigate many risks such as staff turnover, hiring and training costs and unexpected delays in development.

How do we ensure that our intellectual property is protected when outsourcing?

Ensuring the protection of intellectual property (IP) when outsourcing software development can be a complex task, but there are several steps that companies can take to mitigate the risk: Use non-disclosure agreements (NDAs): Have the outsourcing partner sign a legally binding NDA to protect any confidential information shared during the development process. Use work-for-hire agreements: This type of agreement specifies that any work produced during the outsourcing relationship is owned by the company and not the outsourcing partner. Use escrow agreements: This type of agreement ensures that the company has access to the source code and other intellectual property in case the outsourcing partner fails to deliver or goes out of business. Use software copyright registration: This will help to prove ownership of the software in case of disputes. Conduct background checks: It’s important to conduct thorough research and background checks on the outsourcing partner and their team members to ensure that they have a good track record of protecting intellectual property. Regularly review the work: Regularly review the work and progress of the outsourced team and make sure that the work is consistent with the company’s IP policies. Use cloud-based tools: Use cloud-based tools and platforms that provide better security and control over access to sensitive information. It’s also important to have clear communication with the outsourcing partner and to clearly define the rights and obligations of each party regarding the IP in the contract.

What are the risks of outsourcing software development?

Communication and collaboration challenges: Distance and cultural differences can make it difficult to effectively communicate and collaborate with an outsourced development team. Intellectual property concerns: Protecting confidential information and proprietary software can be challenging when working with an outsourcing partner, particularly if the partner is located in a different country with less stringent IP laws. Loss of control: Outsourcing development can make it more difficult for companies to maintain control over the development process and ensure that the final product meets their standards. Quality issues: Quality control can be challenging when outsourcing, as it can be difficult to ensure the same quality level is maintained as in-house development. Dependence on a single vendor: Relying on a single vendor for software development can increase the risk of vendor lock-in and make it difficult to switch vendors if the relationship sours. Time zone and cultural differences: Managing and coordinating the work of a remote team can be challenging, especially if there is a large time zone difference. Legal and compliance issues: Outsourcing software development to different countries can raise several legal and compliance issues, such as data privacy and security laws. Lack of flexibility: Outsourcing can make it difficult to respond quickly to changing business needs or project requirements. Difficulties in maintaining long-term relationships: Maintaining long-term relationships with outsourcing partners can be difficult, which can result in additional costs and disruptions when looking for new partners. To mitigate the risks, it is important to select the outsourcing partner carefully, have clear communication, establish clear guidelines and have a proper project management system in place.

What are the most common outsourcing models for software development?

Offshore outsourcing: This model involves outsourcing software development to a company or team located in another country, usually to take advantage of lower labor costs and access to a wider pool of specialized talent. Nearshore outsourcing: This model involves outsourcing software development to a company or team located in a nearby country, often within the same time zone or with a similar cultural background, in order to reduce the challenges of communication and collaboration. Onshore outsourcing: This model involves outsourcing software development to a company or team located within the same country, often for projects that require a high level of communication and collaboration. Outstaffing: This model involves hiring a dedicated team of developers to work on a specific project, while they are still employees of the outsourcing company. This team works exclusively for the client and is managed by the client. Time & Material: This model involves paying the outsourcing partner based on the time and materials used for the project. This model is suitable for projects with a high degree of uncertainty and flexibility. Fixed price: This model involves paying a fixed price for the entire project, regardless of how long it takes to complete. This model is suitable for projects with a well-defined scope and clear deliverables. The choice of outsourcing model will depend on the specific needs and goals of the company, as well as the nature of the project. It’s important to understand the pros and cons of each model and to carefully evaluate the outsourcing partner’s capabilities and experience before making a decision.

How do we measure the success of an outsourced software development project?

Measuring the success of an outsourced software development project can be a complex task, but there are several key metrics that companies can use to evaluate the performance of the outsourced team and the overall success of the project. Some of the most common metrics include: Time-to-market: This metric measures the time it takes for the project to be completed and the product to be delivered to the customer. Quality: This metric measures the quality of the final product and its adherence to the project requirements and specifications. Cost: This metric measures the project’s overall cost, including the costs of the outsourced team, any additional expenses and the savings achieved by outsourcing. Productivity: This metric measures the outsourced team’s productivity and ability to deliver the project on time and within budget. Customer satisfaction: This metric measures the customer’s satisfaction with the final product and the overall experience of working with the outsourced team. Communication and collaboration: This metric measures the effectiveness of communication and collaboration between the outsourced and client teams. Technical skills: This metric measures the outsourced team’s technical skills and expertise and ability to deliver high-quality software. Scalability: This metric measures the ability to scale the development team and resources up or down as needed. It’s important to have clear, measurable goals and objectives for the project and to track and evaluate progress against these goals regularly. Additionally, it’s a good idea to have a feedback system in place for both the client team and the outsourced team to gather feedback and improve the process for next projects.

What are the best practices for outsourcing software development?

Clearly define the project scope and requirements: Before outsourcing, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the project scope, requirements, and deliverables. This will help to ensure that the outsourced team has a clear understanding of what is expected of them and can help to minimize misunderstandings and delays. Choose the right outsourcing partner: Carefully evaluate and select the outsourcing partner based on their experience, skills, and reputation. It’s important to conduct thorough research, check references, and conduct background checks. Establish clear communication channels: Establish clear and regular communication channels with the outsourced team, to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that any issues or concerns can be addressed in a timely manner. Use a project management system: Use a project management system to track progress, manage tasks and deadlines, and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals. Regularly review and evaluate progress: Regularly review and evaluate progress against project goals and objectives, and make adjustments as needed. Establish clear IP policies: Establish clear IP policies to protect your company’s intellectual property, and ensure that the outsourcing partner is aware of and compliant with these policies. Have a clear contract: Have a clear, legally binding contract that clearly defines the rights and obligations of both parties, including the payment terms and delivery schedule. Have a contingency plan: Have a contingency plan in place in case of unexpected delays, quality issues, or other problems that may arise during the project. Be open to feedback: Encourage open communication and be open to feedback from both the client team and the outsourced team to improve the process continuously. Continuously monitor and measure the performance: Continuously monitor and measure the performance of the outsourced team, and use this information to make data-driven decisions for future projects. It’s important to remember that outsourcing software development is a long-term commitment, and it’s important to establish a strong relationship with the outsourcing partner based on trust and mutual understanding.

What are the legal and compliance considerations when outsourcing software development?

When outsourcing software development, businesses should be aware of several legal and compliance considerations. These include: Intellectual property rights: Ensure that the development company clearly understands who owns the intellectual property rights to the software and that the company has agreed to transfer those rights to the business. Data privacy and security: Ensure that the development company understands data privacy and security regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA, and can meet compliance requirements. Non-disclosure agreements: Consider putting in place a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to protect the business’s confidential information. Service level agreements: Put in place a service level agreement (SLA) that outlines the company’s responsibilities and the business’s expectations for the software development project. Termination clauses: Include termination clauses in the contract that outline the conditions under which the contract can be terminated. Dispute resolution: Include dispute resolution clauses in the contract that outline the process for resolving disputes that may arise during the course of the software development project. Compliance with local laws: Ensure that the development company complies with all relevant local laws and regulations in the country where the company is based. Insurance: Consider having the development company provide proof of liability insurance to protect the business from potential legal issues. It is also important to have a professional legal review of the agreement between the business and the development company to ensure that it meets all legal and compliance requirements.